Life consists of movement. The relevancy of movement goes hand in hand with the health of so many parts, pieces, and functions of the body. Movement creates better health while increasing longevity and reducing the speed of aging. The body wants to move and responds with improved function and performance when proper movements partners with other intelligent health choices. Chiropractic plays a significant role in the mobility and health of the body.
The bones and joints of the spine exist to move while protecting the spinal cord. Regular spinal adjustments reduce the typically slow, steady degenerative changes which occur in the spine with age. Movement helps create a strong, well-functioning relationship within a joint. The spine consists of close to 40% of the joints found in the entire body. Chiropractic care ensures that every joint is aligned and moving optimally.
Specific nerve firing triggers into the brain and central nervous system when a spinal vertebra loses normal positioning and mobility. The body responds by experiencing stress in areas of the body specific to the parts of the spine being affected. The spinal joint becomes compromised while the brain experiences neurological interference and deficit. Research shows that degenerative changes begin occurring within hours and days of a vertebra losing the ability to move properly.
A direct relationship exists between immobile joints and escalated wear. A 2004 study using small animals as subjects found an increase in scar tissue around areas of immobility in the spine. The scar tissue created adhesions that reduced mobility even further. The deterioration eventually reached a point when bony changes began to take form. The onset of irreversible damage due to immobility occurred in as little as four to eight weeks. Appropriate assessment and regular movement proved critical to avoiding the degenerative process.
Chiropractic adjustments help reduce degeneration by creating motion in joints of the spine not moving optimally (called subluxations). Regular adjustments and restoration of movement in these subluxations helps to re-establish mobility and gently breaks up adhesions. Every individual maintains a unique threshold for adhesion formation and permanent degenerative change. The study highlights the need for regular assessment of spinal joints to address any fixated vertebra.
Subluxations and immobility in the spine lasting longer than four to eight weeks run a higher risk of permanent degenerative change. Implementing a health care plan that involves regular Chiropractic adjustments helps to ensure the long-term health of the spine and body. Waiting for pain and discomfort to form in joints tends to signal advanced stages which often cannot be fully restored. Chiropractors recommend proactive care of the spine and nervous system to ensure long term health, mobility, and quality of life for the whole family.