Important update: As of Tuesday, 24th March 2020 our clinic has been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will stay closed until Tuesday, 5th May 2020, and will re-evaluate at that time based on our government’s recommended public health measures. Please check our website at and our Facebook page – Total Health Chiropractic Cork @TotalHealthCork for updates. We will do our best to communicate updates with you via email. Please make sure that we have your best email address. During this time we aim to be available as much as possible via phone at 021-436-0008 or 021-436-0009, and email at or If you have any inquiries or need supplements, please contact us via email or phone.

What have we done since the lockdown in Ireland has been extended to 5th May?

  • We’ve launched our new digital clinic newsletter. At the moment, it is being sent to clinic patients only, but is in process of being extended to everyone.
  • We’ve launched a new website for Dr Tim: . It is in it’s early stages at the moment.

How is this different from our existing page? It will cover more than Chiropractic. Some posts may be re-posted on our Chiropractic page, some will not. You can like both pages to make sure you don’t miss out on any important posts. 👍👍

  • We always intended to interact with patients remotely but hadn’t had the time to set up everything. Well, our home office just became a recording studio with professional lights, professional microphone, high def cameras and even a green screen! Now we need to learn how to use the equipment! As we said, we want to stay in touch and we weren’t kidding about that.
  • We are still doing everything in our power to allow Chiropractors to be able to see emergency/acute patients. We have remained closed due to the lack of government clarity on the matter. We receive calls and emails every day from patients in need of care. Some patients are having a more difficult time than others.
  • On a side note, we are planting edibles, learning how to raise chickens and continuing to focus on creative projects from home. Needless to say, we are both growing our hair and are in much need of developing skills in this area.


29th March 2020

Dear Patient,

Important update: I am writing to let you know that as of Tuesday, 24th March 2020 our clinic has been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will stay closed until Sunday, 12th April 2020, and will re-evaluate at that time based on our government’s recommended public health measures. Please check our website at and our Facebook page – Total Health Chiropractic Cork @TotalHealthCork for updates. We will do our best to communicate updates with you via email. Please make sure that we have your best email address. During this time we aim to be available as much as possible via phone at 021-436-0008 or 021-436-0009, and email at or If you have any inquiries or need supplements, please contact us via email or phone.

Updated information that we previously sent to patients whose appointments were cancelled last week:

Our professional body, the Chiropractic Association of Ireland (CAI) has recommended that all Chiropractic clinics close as of Tuesday, 24th March 2020.

We are consistently re-evaluating to determine when we will reopen. We are hoping this will be soon so we can continue to serve you and help you achieve your wellness goals by enhancing the health of your nervous system.

There are some positive, encouraging, and/or insightful signs if you look for them. For instance, in Iceland1 with large-scale testing, South Korea2 and Germany3 with a low case fatality rate, and Italy4,5 with 99% of COVID-19 patient deaths having pre-existing illnesses, and China6 with an updated symptomatic case fatality rate in Wuhan of only 1.4% which is much lower than what was originally thought. There are many more positives, some right here in Ireland. As of 28th March 2020, Ireland has a case fatality rate of 1.5%, which when compared to the rest of the world, means, at least until this point, we are doing something right. However, in saying that, the Taioseach has stated concerns of the ICUs will be at capacity shortly. A systematic review was just released regarding potential interventions, of which nutrition can be a major player7. Further, a couple of excellent sources of information include Dr Peter Attia, MD’s podcast8 and YouTube’s MedCram channel9. We are working diligently in the background right now to send you valuable content during clinic closure in order to continue to serve you. Please see end of letter for references referred to above.

The safety of you, our dedicated patients, your families, and our community is our primary concern.  Obviously, the COVID-19 virus is a serious issue, but it is important that we all understand the facts, do not listen to unfounded rumours, and do what is best for our families and communities. I am concerned about the level of fear and panic that has gripped our country and the world. For me, 2 things are true:

  1. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” – Franklin D Roosevelt
  2. Level heads prevail.

Further, before this clinic closure, we implemented many public health safety measures at Total Health Chiropractic Wellness Clinic to protect the health and safety of our patients and team since the escalation of COVID-19 incidence in Ireland. We used the latest Health Service Executive (HSE),, and World Health Organization (WHO) data as guidance.

Some of the public health safety measures we implemented before clinic closure include:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractic can help support optimal nervous system balance and help generate a more optimal stress response, and this has the potential to support a more resilient immune system. Please see and request related articles available at the front desk – Information Update – COVID-19, Chiropractic Delivers, and Coronavirus – The Facts, the Factors and the Role of the Nervous System.
  • Responsible Self-exclusion: We kindly ask that if you are experiencing any fever and/or new dry cough that you call us to cancel your appointment until these symptoms have passed. The most common COVID-19 symptoms are fever (high temperature), a new dry cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. It is recommended that you follow the most recent HSE COVID-19 Public Health Advice information. As of 13th March 2020, the advice is “if you have fever and/or cough you should stay at home regardless of your travel or contact history”. For daily updates visit – and

If you answer YES to ANY of the 3 questions below, we ask that you cancel your appointment with us:

3 Important Questions to ask yourself regarding responsible self-exclusion:


  • Have you been to a COVID-19 affected regions that is subject to travel restrictions in the last 14 days?
  • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
  • Are you experiencing possible symptoms of COVID-19 (most common symptoms include fever (high temperature), a new dry cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties)?
  • Social Distancing and Modified Appointment Scheduling: To maintain social distancing measures, we ask patients to use all 3 waiting areas in the clinic. Other than the main waiting area, we have the children’s waiting area and the waiting area in front of our consultation rooms. We ask that patients come no earlier than 5 minutes prior to their appointment time. If they are 10 minutes past their appointment time, we ask patients to call the clinic to see if the appointment should be rescheduled. Our goal with modified appointment scheduling is to minimise the number of patients in the clinic at a given time. As a result, some appointments may require rescheduling. If you are contacted for such, please know it is because we are doing our best to continue providing our services while taking measures to ensure your safety.
  • Patient Sanitation Measures: On arrival, patients are asked to sanitise their hands. They do so by thoroughly washing their hands. There is a “How to wash your hands” poster from the World Health Organization in the toilet area. In addition, an alcohol-based hand sanitiser is available at the reception area for patient use.
  • Clinic Sanitisation Measures: Door handles, reception area and any other surfaces you may be in contact with are regularly sanitised. Treatment tables, pens, temporary patient swipe cards (in the case that you have forgotten your card), and clipboards are cleaned before and after every use. At present, we are using a 0.5% solution of hydrogen peroxide which a 2020 study published in the “Journal of Hospital Infection” showed that human coronaviruses are inactivated within 1 minute.
  • Face masks: We have a limited number of face masks available for sale in clinic. We do not require patients to wear a face mask, but if you would like to purchase one, then the limit is one per patient.
  • Payments: If paying by cash, you can sanitise your hands after doing so. Our bank details are available in the reception area for those patients that wish to do bank transfers.
  • Updates: We will post necessary updates on our clinic website, (click on the “News & Events” tab) and our Facebook page which can be accessed from our website or by searching @TotalHealthCork (Total Health Chiropractic Cork). Further, we are likely to send out updates via email (and possibly some videos by me). We would love to stay connected with you whereby we continue to share important information with you. This can be arranged by speaking to a clinic team member.
  • Dr Tim Coronavirus Seminars: We cancelled my coronavirus seminars, which were both fully booked, since there was no social distancing solution for 20+ people in the clinic for the talks.
  • #1 Big Tip for Immune System Health: I have been receiving many questions regarding what can be done to help with immune system health. His recommendations in this section are not for the treatment of COVID-19, but rather general recommendations for immune system health. First and foremost, your nervous system directs your immune system. It is estimated that your incredible brain has about 100 billion neurons, with billions of immune cells called microglial cells. In much research, the brain is referred to as the neuroimmune system. Chiropractic adjustments can help promote a balanced nervous system that is more focused on the rest, digest, and heal component of your parasympathetic nervous system.

Your sympathetic nervous system is all about fight or flight, and is driven by fear, panic, and stress. Thus, Tip #1, is to stay on track with adjustments to help keep your autonomic nervous system in balance, unless you are going through responsible self-exclusion or the clinic has been closed due to the pandemic.

  • More Tips That May Help Support Immune System Health:
    • Add 30-60 minutes of extra sleep to your daily routine. Inadequate sleep depletes your immune system.
    • Be kind and wise during these troubling times. Find ways to destress that work for you, as in meditation, prayer, mindfulness, deep breathing, get adjusted, etc.
    • Consume adequate amounts of Vitamin D3 which will make your immune system happy and more productive
    • Drink enough clean water and remove sugary drinks and snacks from the diet. Sugar drains immunity.
    • Move the body. Exercise increases lymphatic flow and provides significant immune benefits.
    • My personal immune system supplement / food kit includes, but is not limited to, the following:
      • Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin A
      • Zinc (supplement or pumpkin seeds)
      • NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) and glutathione
      • Quercetin
      • Selenium (supplement or Brazil nuts)
      • Garlic (supplement or fresh pressed onto delicious food)
      • Fish oil
      • Iodine
      • Probiotics (spore based)
      • Whole food multivitamin
      • Yummy fresh-pressed carrot and ginger juice
      • Broccoli
      • Curcumin (supplement or fresh-pressed into a carrot juice or latte using rice milk, almond milk, or coconut milk and coconut oil)
      • Liquorice root
      • Reishi mushroom
      • Multiple nebulisation strategies

We are doing our best to re-open as soon as possible. We are working diligently in the background to make the best decisions possible. This situation is being reviewed daily and obviously we will implement all other measures as required by government in accordance with their action plan. I also wanted to say thank you for an amazing team that is completely dedicated to patient care. I deeply respect your commitment.  And on another note, to you our wonderful patients, our commitment to excellence because of you and for you, continues.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact us on 021 436-0008.

Kind regards,


Doctor of Chiropractic

Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner

Member of the Chiropractic Association of Ireland (CAI)


  1. Iceland’s Prolific COVID-19 Testing Is Telling Us A Lot About The Outbreak. 27 March 2020.
  2. Coronavirus in South Korea: How ‘trace, test and treat’ may be saving lives. 12 March 2020.
  3. Why Germany’s Coronavirus Death Rate Is Far Lower Than In Other Countries. 25 March 2020.
  4. 99% of patients killed by coronavirus in Italy had existing illnesses, new study finds. 19 March 2020.
  5. COVID – 19 update. 22 March 2020.
  6. Estimating clinical severity of COVID-19 from the transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China. Nat Med (2020).
  7. J Med Virol. 2020 May;92(5):479-490. Potential interventions for novel coronavirus in China: A systematic review.
  8. Dr Peter Attia, MD. Up-to-Date Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) Information
  9. MedCram YouTube channel. Dr Roger Seheult, MD.


We aim to update this space regularly so please check this page weekly. We still answer calls, though having some voice mail problems, so feel free to call the clinic numbers: 021 436 0008 and 021 436 0009.

23rd March 2020

Dear Patient,

I am writing to let you know that as of Tuesday, 24th March 2020 our clinic will be closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be re-evaluating this decision week by week. Please check our website at, Facebook page – Total Health Chiropractic Cork @TotalHealthCork and make sure we have your most up to date email.

Our professional body, the Chiropractic Association of Ireland (CAI) has recommended that all Chiropractic clinics close as of this date other than for acute care. Our hours for call-in acute situation, or flare-ups, are Tuesdays from 6pm – 9pm and Thursdays from 9am – 12 noon. We are not accepting walk in appointments during this time to prevent having too many people in clinic at once. We ask that you phone the clinic to arrange a special acute care appointment.

We will re-evaluate week by week to determine when we will reopen. We are hoping this will be soon so we can continue to serve you and help you achieve your wellness goals by enhancing the health of your nervous system.

There are some positive, encouraging, and/or insightful signs if you look for them. For instance, in Iceland1 with large-scale testing, South Korea2 with a case fatality rate of 0.7%, and Italy3,4 with 99% of patients killed by coronavirus having pre-existing illnesses, and China5 with an updated case fatality rate in Wuhan of only 1.4% which is much lower than what was originally thought. There are many more positives, some right here in Ireland. As of 20th March 2020, Ireland has a case fatality rate of 0.6%, which when compared to the rest of the world, means, at least until this point, we are doing something right. Flattening of the curve is one of the primary goals and according to and RTE, possibly that is beginning6,7. A systematic review was just released regarding potential interventions, of which nutrition can be a major player8. Further, a couple of excellent sources of information include Dr Peter Attia, MD’s podcast and YouTube’s MedCram channel9,10. I will aim to try to send you valuable content during our break from clinic in order to continue to serve you. Please see end of letter for references referred to above.

Further, before this closure and during any acute care situations, we have implemented many risk reduction measures at Total Health Chiropractic Wellness Clinic to protect the health and safety of our patients and team since the escalation of COVID-19 incidence in Ireland.

We are closely monitoring the latest Health Service Executive (HSE),, and World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on the matter and have implemented a series of rigorous preventative measures specifically designed to protect the health and safety of our patients and team since the escalation of COVID-19 incidence in Ireland, and in acute situations to allow continued provision of care in the safest possible environment.

The safety of you, our dedicated patients, your families, and our community is our primary concern.  Obviously, the COVID-19 virus is a serious issue, but it is important that we all understand the facts, do not listen to unfounded rumours, and do what is best for our families and communities. I am concerned about the level of fear and panic that has gripped our country and the world. For me, 2 things are true:

  1. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” – Franklin D Roosevelt
  2. Level heads prevail.

Some of the measures we have taken include:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractic can help support optimal nervous system balance and help generate a more optimal stress response, and this has the potential to support a more resilient immune system. Please see and request related articles available at the front desk – Information Update – COVID-19, Chiropractic Delivers, and Coronavirus – The Facts, the Factors and the Role of the Nervous System.
  • Responsible Self-exclusion: We kindly ask that if you are experiencing any fever and/or new dry cough that you call us to cancel your appointment until these symptoms have passed. The most common COVID-19 symptoms are fever (high temperature), a new dry cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. It is recommended that you follow the most recent HSE COVID-19 Public Health Advice information. As of 13th March 2020, the advice is “if you have fever and/or cough you should stay at home regardless of your travel or contact history”. For daily updates visit – and

If you answer YES to ANY of the 3 questions below, we ask that you cancel your appointment with us:

3 Important Questions to ask yourself regarding responsible self-exclusion: 

    • Have you been to a COVID-19 affected regions that is subject to travel restrictions in the last 14 days?
    • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
    • Are you experiencing possible symptoms of COVID-19 (most common symptoms include fever (high temperature), a new dry cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties)?
  • Social Distancing and Modified Appointment Scheduling: To maintain social distancing measures, we ask patients to use all 3 waiting areas in the clinic. Other than the main waiting area, we have the children’s waiting area and the waiting area in front of our consultation rooms. We ask that patients come no earlier than 5 minutes prior to their appointment time. If they are 10 minutes past their appointment time, we ask patients to call the clinic to see if the appointment should be rescheduled. Our goal with modified appointment scheduling is to minimise the number of patients in the clinic at a given time. As a result, some appointments may require rescheduling. If you are contacted for such, please know it is because we are doing our best to continue providing our services while taking measures to ensure your safety.
  • Patient Sanitation Measures: On arrival, patients are asked to sanitise their hands. They do so by thoroughly washing their hands. There is a “How to wash your hands” poster from the World Health Organization in the toilet area. In addition, an alcohol-based hand sanitiser is available at the reception area for patient use.
  • Clinic Sanitisation Measures: Door handles, reception area and any other surfaces you may be in contact with are regularly sanitised. Treatment tables, pens, temporary patient swipe cards (in the case that you have forgotten your card), and clipboards are cleaned before and after every use. At present, we are using a 0.5% solution of hydrogen peroxide which a 2020 study published in the “Journal of Hospital Infection” showed that human coronaviruses are inactivated within 1 minute.
  • Face masks: We have a limited number of face masks available for sale in clinic. We do not require patients to wear a face mask, but if you would like to purchase one, then the limit is one per patient.
  • Payments: If paying by cash, you can sanitise your hands after doing so. Our bank details are available in the reception area for those patients that wish to do bank transfers.
  • Updates: We will post necessary updates on our clinic website, (click on the “News & Events” tab) and our Facebook page which can be accessed from our website or by searching @TotalHealthCork (Total Health Chiropractic Cork). Further, we are likely to send out updates via email (and possibly some videos by me). We would love to stay connected with you whereby we continue to share important information with you. This can be arranged by speaking to a clinic team member.
  • Dr Tim Coronavirus Seminars: We cancelled my coronavirus seminars, which were both fully booked, since there was no social distancing solution for 20+ people in the clinic for the talks.
  • #1 Big Tip for Immune System Health: I have been receiving many questions regarding what can be done to help with immune system health. His recommendations in this section are not for the treatment of COVID-19, but rather general recommendatio