A social conversation involving Chiropractic care usually involves listeners who assume a correlation between spinal adjustments and pain relief. Some people assume that regular visits to a Chiropractor must involve the resolution of back or neck pain. New science and research continues to expand those beliefs and educate millions of people about much greater benefits of Chiropractic care which expand far beyond the relief of headaches and pain. Science even connects the spinal stress and malfunction with a body’s chemistry and a person’s ability to effectively lose weight.
Research from 2012 found that overweight participants who had the hardest time shedding unwanted fat pounds possessed nervous systems perpetually stuck in a pattern of stress. Research that took place over a 12-week dietary weight-loss program determined that participants who experienced successful weight loss showed significantly higher resting nerve activity compared to individuals who were more resistant to weight loss. Balance in the nervous system proved to be a key ingredient in effectively losing unwanted body fat. Millions of people share testimonies about how Chiropractic care helped facilitate greater improvements in their weight loss routines.
Skeptics often detract from the successful results of Chiropractic care by questioning how spinal adjustments play a role in improving weight loss or helping people who suffer from digestive issues. The answer rests in the science. The spine consists of much more than a set of bones that help people stand up straight and protect the spinal cord and brain. An intimate connection exists between the spine and brain. Some experts refer to the spine as the motor for the brain. The brain fully depends on the spine’s alignment and mobility for the execution of maximum health and brain function. The spine cares for vital neurons which transmit nerve impulses throughout the body. Communication relies upon the electrical and chemical signals being protected by the spine. Proper alignment and movement of each vertebra becomes a vital component of all aspects of health – including weight loss. Neurology becomes compromised if the spine becomes misaligned or loses full range of motion in any joint. A compromised nervous system leads to organ dysfunction and changes in body and blood chemistry. The science explains why and how a Chiropractic adjustment influences weight loss.
Studies have concluded that the function of the nervous system can and will play a significant role in weight loss. Chiropractors find areas of stress that manifest in the form of misaligned and abnormally moving parts of the spine. Pain free adjustments restore motion and alignment and allow the body to return to a state of optimal function and nervous system balance. Studies will continue to prove the positive neurological influence of spinal adjustments on the nervous system. Improved weight loss regimens serve as one of the many side beneficial effects of a proactive health care plan that includes spinal adjustments. Chiropractic invites every family to make 2018 the launching point for better health and vitality.